Diamond Hall is the crown jewel of SA Gaming. It oozes irresistible elegance and charm. Such luxury matches the mood of SA Gaming, and gives a VIP atmosphere to players visiting Diamond Hall. There is a Live Verification Feature, allowing players to verify the live broadcast from the game client. The verification process is fast, reliable, convenient, and simple.

Optical Card Detection is applied at Diamond Hall. Different from traditional scanners, we have applied optical detection technology operated by our in-house developed AI algorithms. The new technology reads cards swiftly and accurately. Players are going to enjoy a highly immersive gaming experience they have never had before.

There is also a Live Verification Feature, allowing players to verify the live broadcast from the game client. They no longer have to make long distance calls to do so. The verification process is fast, reliable, convenient, and simple.

Optical Card Detection

Live Verification Feature

Lavish Studio